
The Bridge Student Ministry
The Bridge Student Ministry exists to help equip students to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help parents equip their students to stand strong in their faith in Jesus, equip them to have a positive impact on our community, and equip them to become the next generation of leaders that our commnities and the Church needs.
Why the name? “The Bridge”
A bridge connects and our vision for our student ministry is to help our students…
Connect with God
Connect with Parents
Connect with Community
Children’s Church Ministry Team (Kids 4 Christ)
Leader: Jodi Glendenning
Purpose: To provide a safe and fun environment for the children of the church that will allow us to expose them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, help them gain a better understanding of the Bible, as well as help them to begin developing habits of spiritual maturity.
Responsibilities: You will be expected to be in the Children’s Church area no later than 20 minutes prior to service on your scheduled week to check children in and stay until all parents check out their children. This ministry also requires a criminal background check that the church will provide.
Greeter Ministry Team
Leader: Juan Rubio
Purpose: To provide a warm and friendly welcome to people coming into the worship service.
Responsibilities: You will be stationed at either the front door or at the welcome table to greet people as they come in the church. You will be expected to serve on your scheduled week/s and be stationed in your designated place no later than 20 minutes prior to the start of service and stay in place until 10 minutes after the start of the service.
Nursery Ministry Team (The Wild Kingdom)
Leader: Kylee Peterson
Purpose: To provide a safe and fun place for parents to bring their children so that they can be ministered to in the worship service.
Responsibilities: To provide childcare for weekend services. You will be expected to be in the nursery no later than 20 minutes prior to service on your scheduled week/s and stay until all parents check out their children. This ministry also requires a criminal background check that the church will provide.
Tech Ministry Team
Leader: Corey Menken
Purpose: To help provide and maintain the technological support for worship services.
Responsibilities: To coordinate with the worship team and pastor/s to take care of all technological needs that are needed for worship practices and services, to attend worship practices, and serve on your scheduled week.
Ushers Ministry Team
Leader: Juan Rubio
Purpose: To receive the offering during service, to provide assistance to any needs that may arise during the service, and to assist and welcome new guest with any needs or questions they may have.
Responsibilities: You will be stationed at either the front door or at the Welcome Table. The Usher at the front door will be there to open the door for people and aid anyone in need. The Usher at the Welcome Table will be stationed there to help new guests with any services they may need. You will be expected to serve on your scheduled week/s and be stationed in your designated place no later than 20 minutes prior to the start of service and stay in place until the start of the service.
Women’s Ministry Team
Leader: Cassie Jennings
Purpose: The Women’s Ministry seeks to glorify God through studying the word of God, showing our love and support for the women of the church as we grow together in our relationship with Jesus, and expanding our outreach to women beyond the walls of Grace Fellowship Church.
Responsibilities: Work with the team leader to help coordinate the various roles of the ministry.
Worship Team
Leader: Brad Pittman
Purpose: To help lead the church in corporate praise and worship to God.
Responsibilities: To attend team practices and sing and/or play on your scheduled week.